Building FFmpeg

To build FFmpeg library for BSPlayer you need Linux or Windows with Cygwin and Android NDK.
Build system is designed to work with NDK standalone toolchain (read NDK documentation docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html).
Unpack FFmpeg source bellow, edit '' script and set NDK toolcahin path and FFmpeg options.
Then just run ./ [param], where oparam is one of: arm7_neon, arm7, arm6_vfp, arm6, arm5, x86_generic, x86_atom, mips
for. ex for ARMv7 with NEON: ./ arm7_neon

If everything went ok, should be in lib folder.

You can also download all-in-one package bellow, where toolchains used to build library are included, just run script.


FFmpeg library source
All-in-one package for Windows
All-in-one package for Linux x86_64
All-in-one package for Linux x86

Other sources:

MSYS source.
Android GCC toolchain source.