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Vista WMP11 transparent
Criado por: lukas okmis    Mais deste autor (4 skins)
Vista WMP11 transparent
Total de votos: 270
This is just for having some fun! Its based on the very popular WMP11 skin, which I decided to get as close as possible to Vista-likeness. It has a glitch - you can click through it at the missing pixels, so its really just for fun! If you like it, let me know!
Downloads: 149929
Comentários: 3
Transferido (Uploaded):
Dec 2, 2007
Sua avaliação:


by guest, Dec 8, 2009
I downloaded this skin but, it seems that the transparency it´s not working properly, is there any know issue about it?
by lukas okmis, Dec 3, 2007
Well, I forgot to say, that its not nice on a light/white background, but when you watch a movie, or have a foto as background it doesnt look that bad!
Dobro je
by Dalibor RAJK, Dec 3, 2007
Good idea for the way you made transparency..