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Aparências do BSPlayer
Criado por: Goran Vasic    Mais deste autor (2 skins)
Total de votos: 1283
Thank you all for commenting on my previous skin Black Cat, and for being supportive of my work, it means a lot. :)I present to you my second and last BS Player skin - Phoenix! Black cat users should be familiar with the interface...
Downloads: 153917
Comentários: 29
Transferido (Uploaded):
Jun 26, 2010
Sua avaliação:


by guest, Apr 23, 2024
Thank you gods
najbolji skin
by guest, Jan 9, 2018
koristim ga vec nekoliko god... i samo njega.. sve ima sto je potrebno i meni je najbolji
by guest, Aug 16, 2014
Excelente, tiene los botones bien ordenados, y tiene colores cálidos que lo hacen una buena alternativa al ultra gélido 'Base', especial para el invierno
El mejor
by guest, Jan 21, 2014
El mejor de todos los skins, tiene todos los botones necesarios y en español, una interfaz muy clara e intuitiva. Muy bien logrado
by guest, Apr 13, 2013
Simple, yet functional design. Worth downloading. Gave it 5 marks although I use MMD 3 skin for ages now.
It's a good one
by guest, Oct 12, 2012
I really appreciate the functions you can find straight through the controls delivered in screen. Specially the capabilities to adjust subtitles size, position... And this one delivers it really well customized. My favorite for the last three years has been NightRider wich I really consider it's very usefull but this one fits it's level. It's a bit nicer, it's also a bit too big, but also it's design it's not that special. I would like one a bit more original and better if the shape is more flat as not to occupy to much screen. Anyway, thanks and congratulations for your nice work. I rated it maximum. I voted 5/5.
Svaka ti cast
by guest, Apr 9, 2012
Trazio sam ovdije neki skin jedan vrijedan moga downloada al nikako da ga najdem.I kada sam vec skoro izgubio nadu da cu uopce nesto naci nabasam na ovaj ovdije. Odmah sam znao da je to taj. Svaka ti cast na odlicno odradjenom poslu.Ovaj skin bi trebao biti u top 10 a ne neko od onih sta su tamo.
by guest, Jul 27, 2011
I like it, but in my opinion, would be better in black and blue. ^_^ Regards.
by guest, Dec 17, 2010
Brate skinovi su odlicni. Imam samo dve sugestije. Stavi da kod cat verzije glavni prozor bude sirok kao kod phoenix verzije,znaci da bude malo siri. A kod phoenix verzije stavi da play lista moze da se skrati jos po horizontalnoj osi, otprilike kao default BS skin. Sve najbolje,pozdrav. Nenad
za Ivana
by Goran Vasic, Dec 8, 2010
Hvala druze, veliki poz za Nis iz Smedereva ;)
by guest, Dec 8, 2010
Gorane brate razbio si ga....svaka ti cast! Dizajn, funkcionalnost, preglednost...nema sta 10-tka od mene poz... Ivan, Nis
by guest, Dec 1, 2010
Love it!
by guest, Sep 21, 2010
thanks for Goran Vasic created great skins.
by guest, Aug 25, 2010
Thanks! All that i need, wihout any problem, easy and accesible.
by John Brailas, Aug 24, 2010
Nice skin!
About Phoenix
by guest, Aug 21, 2010
Fantastic. Very User Interactive. Thanks.
by guest, Aug 13, 2010
Excellent theme! Very nice!
by guest, Aug 4, 2010
by guest, Aug 1, 2010
Good Job...!
by Mark Hylton, Jul 7, 2010
I´m a huge fan of bsplayer skin black cat...! I´ve recommended it to lots of pals. But I must say Phoenix is hard to resist. Good design, colour combinations and layout. It´s really the big bro of the black cat. Good job man...! I love it!
by Goran Vasic, Jul 7, 2010
I really don't understand why this skin has such a bad rating?? 150 users rated it with 2.89??? If you rate it with 1 out of 5, at least tell me why is it so bad, that way I can make some changes, because I have really put some hard effort in creating Phoenix... For instance, my previous skin Black Cat was rated with 4.16!? Why is Black Cat so much better than this one? Thank you in advance, Goran.
My bad :)
by Goran Vasic, Jul 3, 2010
I was wrong, Media Library was skinned in Prophecy v2.2 so it can be done :p Btw, if you don't like Phoenix, I recommend you to take a look at Prophecy v2.2 or Vista WMP11 final, those are my personal favorites and I used them for a long time... I'll try to make a skin for Media Library, thank you for your suggestion ;)
by Goran Vasic, Jul 1, 2010
Thanks for using Black Cat, it was fun making this one... :) Well the thing is, BS Player is not fully skinnable yet, for example there is no code for 'close' button in equalizer, media library can't be skinned entirely, there are some restrictions for creating fullscreen skin etc. so I made everything that could be skinned at this moment.
Very cool!
by Jan Leander, Jul 1, 2010
Iv been using your Black Cat a lot and I'm glad you made a newone, very cool! the only thing that would be better is if you could skin the media library! :)
by Goran Vasic, Jun 30, 2010
Thanks and nevermind ;) About installing the skin: 1. You can simply double-click on the Phoenix.bsz file, or copy it to your BSPlayer/Skins directory and then select it from the options>skins menu in the BS Player. 2. If you have downloaded it as a .zip archive (like my friend did), go to Tools>Folder Options in Windows Explorer, then click on the View tab and uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types". Rename the downloaded file to Phoenix.bsz and then install it.
by guest, Jun 30, 2010
lol,someone is obviously jealous of your work,it deserves a better rating than this :-D this is one of the top 10 skins definitely,keep up the good work!
by Goran Vasic, Jun 28, 2010
But you see, I simply don't have enough time to make another BS Player skin, because I have to rate all of the other bad skins with 1 out of five, 24-7! And there are, like, 6 of them!!! It's really time consuming... And frustrating, because people still download and use those "bad" skins, regardless of their rating! :D Bah... Now seriously, thank you for your comments, and have fun! ;)
by guest, Jun 28, 2010
Great skin! I will install it immediately! I recommend to everyone!
Great design
by guest, Jun 28, 2010
hello, you have a gift. This is great, hope that new skins will keep coming ... wish all the best. SP.