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Skin-uri BSPlayer
ZS Mini Black
creat de: Jordi Oliveras
ZS Mini Black
Total voturi: 131
Based on lk-skin by Konstantin Lyaptsev
Download-uri: 112631
Comentarii: 15
Feb 10, 2008
Clasamentul tau:


by guest, Apr 29, 2019
Es la mejor de todas, y no se por que me atrae tanto, pasan los años y la vuelvo a buscar!!!
I'm impressed. You've ralely raised the bar with t
by guest, Jan 31, 2012
I'm impressed. You've ralely raised the bar with that.
Simple the best
by guest, Jun 17, 2011
i been using this skin for 2 years some times i change but always got back to the best just needs forward function Thanks for this great skin
by guest, May 7, 2010
Good Job..!!! Simple is perfect.
My Favorite skin
by guest, Jan 12, 2010
My Favorite skin THX
Just perfect as I want it!
by guest, Jan 5, 2010
It matches my black theme and I could place it anywhere around my screen without taking too much space. This is great! I hope you could make something translucent too or metallic. You are good, thumbs up!
by guest, May 31, 2009
i been using all sort of skins and always return to this Crown of the jewell Skin congratulations on the performance and design sincerely ,dtvdish
by guest, May 29, 2009
The best, thanks
by guest, May 28, 2009
cialis mortgage viagra skin lol
by guest, Dec 29, 2008
This skin is just perfect!! Good work!
by guest, Mar 25, 2008
it a great skin for me man because i use windows classic skin black on all my windows and this is the perfect skin for me. all black with white text. thanks man i was looking for something like this for a long time
by guest, Mar 22, 2008
This skin is exactly what I want, simple, cool and calm, very low profile, works great! me is gratefull !
by Konstantin Lyaptsev, Mar 15, 2008
only for watching video (using Winamp for audio files)...
by Konstantin Lyaptsev, Mar 15, 2008
:) I don\\\'t like it. Looks like you didn\\\'t understand my idea and added extra buttons instead of removing half of them. And the worst thing - you\\\'ve smalled digits. So (imho) skin became worse. Maybe it\\\'s beause of I\\\'d planned it only for watc
Bad display of song
by guest, Feb 18, 2008
Great skin, I like it very much, but.... In my case - I have problem with display of song name - it's not as it's displayed here - black background and white fond colour, but grey background and white fond colour - almost unreadable. Can someone help me with this?