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Обложки BSPlayer
PowerDVD 7
Автор: Péter Novák
Всего голосов: 184
Skin based on PowerDVD 7.
I haven't known a few buttons' function.
If you know what the rest of the buttons do then please contact me.
NPeete from Hungary
I haven't known a few buttons' function.
If you know what the rest of the buttons do then please contact me.
NPeete from Hungary
Скачиваний: 84804
Комментариев: 4
Дата загрузки:
Jun 21, 2007
Ваш рейтинг:
by guest, Mar 1, 2011
I´ll change the background color. Nice!
by guest, Aug 14, 2010
Great to see videos from a distance and to interact without needing to be arriving close every hour
very big
by guest, Dec 12, 2007
over big, no like
by guest, Jun 26, 2007
This is great!
Thank you for sharing. :)