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Aparências do BSPlayer
Space Commander Red
Criado por: Vlade D
Mais deste autor (6 skins)
Total de votos: 414
Downloads: 166098
Comentários: 4
Transferido (Uploaded):
Mar 2, 2007
Sua avaliação:
by guest, Jun 26, 2009
the best one.. i love it!
verry elegant skin
by guest, Aug 2, 2007
but not much functionality, for example there is no repeat button...
i love bs player
by guest, Mar 6, 2007
Innoying that you cant push on the length bar to change postition on the movie/mp3.
+ very ruff edges to right and left =/ + bad name
this one is good...
by guest, Mar 5, 2007
... me like!